
About us

We're Netto, pragmatic green finance and technology experts who empower banks to meet their net zero goals as efficiently as possible.

Through our software we translate complex language, regulations, and processes into a one-of-a-kind software platform that simplifies the green loans process between banks and their commercial real estate clients.

Netto ensures clarity, transparency, and compliance with green loan requirements, guiding the pathway to net zero lending portfolios before 2050.
Netto founder photo (1)

Norwegian banks

On the journey to net zero by 2050.



We team up with banks and 


Green loans 

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Consonantia.


The Netto journey so far

August 2023

The squeaky wheel gets the grease

Armed with the knowledge that commercial real estate buildings account for over 30% of the world's carbon emissions—Alex, Børge, and Erlend decide to create a business to catalyze a net zero future in this industry, and so Netto (/'netu/ in Norwegian) is born. 

August 2023
Mar 2024

Bank on it

Netto found itself uniquely positioned to help banks decarbonise their commercial real-estate investment portfolios by improving the quality and quantity of their green loans. 

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Mar 2024
May 2024

Built different

Differentiating itself from other SaaS companies that specialise in reporting, Netto attracted the attention of investors and partners who sees its potential to galvanise change, not just report on it. 

Netto green loan progress
May 2024
June 2024

The first customers

Netto's software reaches the beta testing stage and the first pilot cases go live in two Norwegian banks. 400,000m² of commercial real-estate space starts its journey towards achieving green loans. 

June 2024
August 2024

We bought a house

Netto opens its first workspace at Grensen 3 in downtown Oslo. 

August 2024
What does Netto do?

We take the guessing out of green loan portfolio management

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The Netto bank dashboard

Take control of your green loan portfolio and avoid stranded assets.


Erlend Bolle

CEO & Co-founder


Alexander Sagen

CTO & Co-founder


Børge Astrup

CCO & Co-founder

Anthony Grower
Founder & CEO
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Anthony Grower
Founder & CEO
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Anthony Grower
Founder & CEO

Want to get started?